Taxonomy: f. Muscidae
Animal: Glossina morsitans (epidemiology) 3.jpg
Obtaining blood sample for preparation of anti-species specific antisera to be used in blood meal identifications of Glossina spp. (tsetse flies- vectors of sleeping sickness) and also to test if the animal was infected with trypanosomes. Blood meal identification tests included precipitin tests, haemagglutination tests, latex agglutination tests and haptoblobin identification using gradient gel electrophoresis. Nowdays molecular methods also used. There is a continuing need for this research to understand and control vector-borne diseases see Boreham,PFL. 1972. PANS 18: 205-209; Boreham and Lenahan 1976. Bull ent. Res. 66: 671-679; Boreham. 1975. J. Trop. Med Hyg. 78: 83-91; Snow and Boreham. 1979. Acta Tropica. 36: 47-51; Laveissiere and Boreham. 1976. Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., ser Ent. med. et Parasitol. 14: 187-200.. The latex agglutination test was developed by P Boreham and colleagues to identify feeding habits of arthropod vectors as a field method which was simple and fast. see Boorman J et al 1977 Bull Ent Res 67:305-311; Boreham PFL 1988 DSc thesis - copies are held at QIMR and the library of the Imperial College London (A prototype of the latex agglutination bloodmeal identification test kit is held in the Science Museum London E2005.61.1 SCM Clinical Diagnosis
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